Posts Tagged ‘front porch’

There’s Nothing Like a Porch to Welcome You Home

St Michelle plan with large front porch

Whether you’re looking at North Carolina homes online or you’re driving up to a friend’s house, chances are the ones with front porches feel the most inviting. Perhaps that’s because a front porch is integral to the lore that surrounds old-fashioned communities and the stories our grandparents told.

More likely, it’s because they are just as popular today, even though we’re probably not using them to share a glass of lemonade with a neighbor or wave to passersby.

What do we do instead? Maybe we sit or swing like in the past. Porches also serve as a backdrop as we record memories of first days of school, Halloween costumes, and prom dates. And there is almost guaranteed to come a time when a porch will provide shelter for Amazon packages or delivery people who saved us from driving to pick up pizza in the rain.
